Kategori: Bahasa,Lainnya | Dilihat: 113 Kali
Harga: Rp 45.000
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Kode Produk: PTMG 979

Stok: Stok Tersedia

Berat: -

Sejak: 10-10-2024

Detail Produk


PENULIS : Fivy Aprylianne Andries, SS., M.Pd. | Merlin Maukar, SS., MA.

HALAMAN: vi,70

UKURAN: 23cm x 15,5cm


Proficiency in English enables tourism professionals to effectively interact with international guests through various communication skills such as telephoning and providing information, which enhances customer satisfaction. English also facilitates cultural interactions, enriching the travel experience and fostering understanding among diverse cultures. Moreover, it is vital for accessing a plethora of tourism-related materials predominantly available in English, aiding tourists in navigating new environments. The text underscores that tourists who can communicate comfortably in English tend to have more enjoyable experiences, leading to longer stays and increased spending, which ultimately benefits the economy. Additionally, mastery of English opens up job opportunities within the sector, with workers possessing strong language skills often preferred for roles requiring direct customer interaction.

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