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PENULIS : Prof. Dr. Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, M.Hum | Dr. Magvirah El Walidayni Kau, M.Pd | Sabrina Wardatul Jannah Husain, S.Pd., M.A
Halaman: vi,64
This book explores the intricate connection between language and comprehension, offering a thought-provoking intellectual voyage in the process. The purpose of this book is to stimulate, improve, and hone the readers' critical reading abilities through an examination of a diverse range of texts spanning various time periods and genres. The scope of this investigation is wide-ranging, encompassing contemporary advertisements, scientific articles, historical accounts, and literary masterpieces. This approach guarantees a thorough comprehension of the complexities inherent in the texts under examination.
This book is intended to be experienced rather than merely read. Every succeeding chapter expands on the one that came before it, thereby equipping readers with sophisticated strategies to decipher the intricacies of written materials. This book serves as an essential reference for individuals interested in literature and language, including students, educators, and those simply seeking to enhance their comprehension in these fields. It offers the potential to elevate routine reading to a perceptive exploration of the inner workings of human expression and thought, connecting the realm of mundane words with their profound connotations.