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Kode Produk: PTMG 1112

Stok: Stok Tersedia

Berat: -

Sejak: 07-01-2025

Detail Produk


PENULIS : Dra. Jenie Posumah, M.Hum

HALAMAN: vi, 64

UKURAN: 15,5 cm x 23 cm


This book , INTRODUCTION TO LINGUISTICS, was mainly aimed at providing people, especially students of English department with the knowledge of linguistics or aims to define how languages are developed in the human mind and describes how human languages are formed and how they work. (shortly the study of language). This book will be explained the meaning of linguistics specifically the pure linguistics fields, in his case the property of language, macro and micro linguistics. They are the study of phyonology, morphology and syntax, and also the other branches of linguistics ;semantics, , pragmatics, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics as well. Each part, consisted of general introduction, explanation of the main course, closing, included conclusion, and questions.

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