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Kode Produk: PTMG 838

Stok: Stok Tersedia

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Sejak: 10-06-2024

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PENULIS : Dra. Sanerita Tresnawaty Olii, M.Hum | Sabrina Wardatul Jannah Husain, S.Pd., M.A | Herminus Efrando Pabur, M.P

HALAMAN : vi,69


This book seeks to provide a thorough and all-encompassing manual for comprehending and utilizing tree diagrams in the context of syntactic analysis. By engaging in thorough and methodical conversations, this material aims to assist readers in cultivating proficient and pragmatic syntactic analysis abilities. The book caters to a wide range of readers, including linguistics students, lecturers, researchers, and professionals in disciplines that necessitate a profound comprehension of sentence structure, such as linguistic software developers and translators. The book aims to reconcile the disparity between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation by providing a harmonious blend of both. This allows readers to effectively utilize the concepts they have learned in real-life scenarios.

In order to accomplish its objectives, the book is organized into meticulously structured chapters, with each chapter addressing a distinct aspect that contributes to a thorough comprehension of syntactic analysis through the use of tree diagrams. This book is anticipated to serve as a beneficial and comprehensive reference for individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of syntactic analysis and the utilization of tree diagrams. It offers a clear structure and in-depth content. Readers will go from fundamental principles to tangible implementations, finally acquiring analytical abilities that can be utilized in diverse academic and professional settings.

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